Maya Rupert held a discussion with Gerald F. Seib on whether or not Democrats can prevent a tidal wave in this next election that was available to the public. She focused on how the political world has been changing over the past few years.
“This discussion was important because it was so close to the election,” journalism student Annabelle Bitner said. “It’s important to know which way senate seats may go and why.”
Rupert discussed the shape of the playing field and how it often seems like things cannot be changed and are set in stone. She said that this is not the case and that there are a number of factors at play that can change the outlook that the public may not realize, until they do.
“To watch the court go from settled law, settled law, settled law, to a complete overturning,” said Rupert. “I think … that was one of the moments for a lot of people that it was like ‘wait a minute those judges did sit in front of the senators and say that they considered the settled law what happened.”
In 2020, Rupert served as the campaign manager for Julian Castro and the consultant for Elizabeth Warren. She is a known voice for progressive politics and the future of the democratic party.
The discussion was held at the Dole Institute of Politics in Lawrence, Kansas and was funded by the Dolph Simons Family Fund and the Newman’s Own Foundation. The event started at 3:30 and lasted for a little over an hour.
The discussion is a part of a series that began on Sept. 14 with the prior most recent being Wednesday, Oct. 26. This discussion had featured Scott Reed covering key senate races.
“As a young adult, I think it’s important to pay close attention to politics,” Bitner said. “Especially state elections, as it directly affects our futures.”
The eight-part series is led by Gerald F. Seib, who served as an editor for the Wall Street Journal and has interviewed many presidents and the White House.
On Wednesday, Nov. 9th at The Dole Institute of Politics, Jackie Calmes will be speaking at the next installment discussing the midterm results.